
why you should hire a photographer when you’re planning an event?

We know that you want to get a great iPhone photo to Instagram later on, and that’s all fine, but those iPhone photos will only make it so far!


During your event, I will be walking around, mingling, and making sure to capture special candid moments and group photos! With a photographer there, you can guarantee that all the moments of laughter and the details of our event will be remembered.


Memories play an important part in our lives and photos are a big part of that. Do you want photos that you can look back on that will remind you of a special time when all of your family and friends were together in one place? Do you love going back and looking at old photos and laughing or asking yourself why your mom made you wear your hair like that? I know I do!


Do you have an upcoming event? Are you interested in my photography services? See what I'm up to over on my Facebook and Instagram. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Hen's party

Rita's Birthday

Birthday Party @ Terraplana

Available in Portugal, France and the rest of Europe on request. 

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